Consulting & services

    Conseil, ingénierie et services

    Beyond the technological solutions offered, ScalarX is primarily a team and a network that represents several centuries of cumulative experience, covering hundreds of skills delivered over nearly a quarter of a century to thousands of clients in more than 26 countries.
    Although our initial activity was solving problems others deemed impossible, ScalarX is not an IT services company, an agency, or a consultancy.
    This activity originated from Christophe Casalegno’s personal passion for problem-solving and funded research and development. However, by definition, it is not scalable. Nonetheless, it has not been abandoned, and a portion of our time continues to be devoted to this activity and, more generally, to service, consulting, and engineering activities.
    We give priority to our existing clients but continue to take on cases based on the context, interest, and suitability of our offer to the demand.

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